Commercial Surveys
We provide a variety of Commercial Surveys to suit your needs including shops, offices, warehouses, factories and commercial premises.
Commercial Building Surveys
In depth surveys of the construction and condition of shops, offices, warehouses, factories and other commercial premises.
Commercial Property Valuation
Full professional RICS valuation on all aspects of Commercial Property, Valuations for Estate Planning, Probate, Tax Planning etc.
Rent Reviews and Lease Renewals
Advice to Landlords & Tenants in all aspects of rent reviews, lease renewals, schedules of condition, dilapidation claims and other related matters.
Aquisitions and Disposals
Through our extensive knowledge of the property market, we can up to date assistance and planning advice.
Rating and Council Tax
Appeals advice and guidance with issues relating to Business Rates & Council Tax for all property occupiers and owners.
Insurance and Valuations
Assessments to ensure adequate Buildings Insurance cover on Commercial properties.